I’ve never seen 30 Rock and while I don’t have anything against Tina Fey, I also think she’s a pretty mediocre comedian and actress and don’t understand why people practically worship at her altar either.
It definitely annoys me that Hollywood can’t just portray childfree people normally. Every time a character doesn’t want kids, they always change their mind and realize what they were missing in life. Sometimes it happens because an actress gets pregnant in real life and the producers don’t want to hide it, but I’m sure it also happens intentionally because even liberal Hollywood pushes conservative agendas related to gender roles.
Intelligent people realize that tv and movies are not even remotely reflective of real life, but a lot of people do get their values from entertainment. There are countless men and women who have chosen not to have kids that have also lived happy lives and regret nothing in their 70s or 80s, so why can’t they be portrayed on screen too?